Giordano Cotti
P.I. of the project

Giordano Cotti graduated with a BSc in Mathematics, cum laude, from the University of Genova (Italy) in 2012.
Through an Italian national competition, he was selected for an excellence MSc program (with fellowship) in Mathematics hold by the University of Trieste and the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) in Trieste (Italy). Such a program is addressed to brilliant students who want to follow a high-level research career.
He graduated in 2014, cum laude, and he earned an additional PFC-SISSA diploma, having fulfilled all the merit requirements.
Subsequently, through an international competition, he obtained a PhD fellowship at SISSA, where he continued the research projects started in his MSc thesis, working under the supervision of Professor Boris Dubrovin and Professor Davide Guzzetti. He obtained his PhD in Geometry and Mathematical Physics in 2017, cum laude. In 2019, SISSA also awarded him the Lutman Prize for the best PhD thesis in Mathematics of the Academic Year 2017, in acknowledgment of his original work.
From October 2017 to October 2019, he was posdoct at the Max-Planck Insitut für Mathematik in Bonn (Germany), with mentor Yuri I. Manin. From November 2019 to October 2020, he was postdoc at the University of Birmingham (UK), with mentor Marta Mazzocco.
Selected publications
- Cotti, Giordano, Boris Dubrovin, and Davide Guzzetti. "Isomonodromy deformations at an irregular singularity with coalescing eigenvalues." Duke Mathematical Journal 168.6 (2019): 967-1108.
- Cotti, Giordano, Boris Dubrovin, and Davide Guzzetti. "Local moduli of semisimple Frobenius coalescent structures." SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 16 (2020): 040.
- Cotti, Giordano, and Alexander Varchenko. "Equivariant quantum differential equation and qKZ equations for a projective space: Stokes bases as exceptional collections, Stokes matrices as Gram matrices, and B-Theorem." Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics. Vol. 103. No. 1. 2021.
- Cotti, Giordano. "Degenerate Riemann–Hilbert–Birkhoff problems, semisimplicity, and convergence of WDVV-potentials." Letters in Mathematical Physics 111.4 (2021): 99.
- Cotti, Giordano. Cyclic stratum of Frobenius manifolds, Borel-Laplace (α, β)-multitransforms, and integral representations of solutions of quantum differential equations. Memoirs of the EMS, EMS Press, 2022.
- Cotti, G., and A. Varchenko. "The ∗-Markov equation for Laurent polynomials." Moscow Mathematical Journal 22.1 (2022): 1-68.
- Cotti, Giordano. "Borel (α, β)-multitransforms and quantum Leray–Hirsch: Integral representations of solutions of quantum differential equations for P1-bundles." Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 183 (2024): 102-136.
- Cotti, Giordano. "Riemann–Hilbert–Birkhoff inverse problem for semisimple flat F F‐manifolds and convergence of oriented associativity potentials." Journal of the London Mathematical Society 109.1 (2024): e12860.